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I always set New Year’s resolutions and have quarterly check-ins throughout the year to make sure I’m on track. I hold myself accountable. But why wait until January 1st to start goal making and achieving? Why not start now? I have a couple of tips for those of us who want to get a head start on their goals.

Write down what you want to achieve.

If you want to save money, figure out how to make a realistic goal, then stick to it. You’ll need to calculate your pay each month, omit mandatory expenses (internet, phone, utility, insurance bills and groceries) and see how much you can realistically save each month. Remember that things like birthdays exist, as do annoying things like requiring an oil change. Try to calculate every expense for each month and then see how much you can realistically save. If you can save $1000 per month, for example, stick with it. It’ll be excruciating at first, but seeing the numbers go up in your bank account will make you want to save more!

Alter your habits to fulfill your goals.

It’s not enough to want something, you need to do to make it happen. If you want to save money, you need to discipline yourself into not making gratuitous purchases. If you want to eat better, you need to discipline yourself into making healthy choices. The biggest factor for so many goals is to force yourself to do ‘the right thing.’ Do what will help you achieve your goal. Do not let instant gratification (buying things, eating a bag of chips, etc.) run your life and prevent you from getting what you actually want in the big picture. This is the most difficult thing to overcome for most of us, and only time and practice will help you.

If you find yourself grabbing snacks as emotional comfort or when bored, trying swapping that with a tea, decaf coffee, sparkling water, or activity. Alter the habit to help you change your goal. It’s not just about starting new habits like starting to go to the gym, it’s about stopping bad habits like snacking when you know you don’t even want to.

Instead of rewarding yourself with online shopping, find comfort and excitement in things that you already own or can do for free. Rather than shop, read or watch tv. Get outside. Clean. Do anything but spend money!

Find healthy ways to reward yourself.

Reward yourself with things that are good for you: a cup of tea, a good book, a bath, a nap. Anything that doesn’t require you to spend money, doesn’t harm you in any way, and is good for your mental and/or physical health. Always reward yourself AFTER you complete a step in the right direction of your goal. E.g., take a nap after a workout, not instead of hitting the gym.


Do not listen to negative people who don’t want to try to achieve their goals. They will say it’s impossible, it’s too hard, the reward isn’t worth it. They’re not living your life and don’t have the same desires as you. Instead, absorb content by those who have achieved the goals you’re trying to. Read a book about personal finance, watch a video on new workouts, learn about the goal you’re trying to achieve. And believe in yourself! Nothing is impossible.

Next steps

If you complete a goal, make a new one that’s relevant to the one you completed. If you saved $20,000, try to save more next year. As humans, we are naturally ambitious and will always want more, but don’t forget the importance of celebrating your achievements before aiming higher.

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