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I love the coziness of cold weather seasons: blankets, fires, hot chocolate, staying in with wine, chess, and books, and most importantly, in cold weather, you don’t feel bad for staying in. There’s no guilt in not going outside constantly or hanging out with friends, let alone the constant need to  be doing something, the way there is when it’s warm out. 

That being said, the change of seasons brings beautiful things, and in the case of spring, it’s all about fresh starts and blooming! Instead of dreading having to go outside constantly, look at the positive: it’s actually pleasant to be outdoors. You can walk out in a long sleeve tee and vest, grab a coffee, and go for a long stroll on a trail that was closed all winter. Spoil yourself with an almond croissant and lavender latte, bring colour to your home with soft shades for your bedsheets, floral bouquets, or get back into a hobby you can only do when it’s nice out (tennis, anyone?).

Here are a few ways to look forward to spring and prepare yourself for the warmer days!

Clean your space

It’s called spring cleaning for a reason, people. Besides just organizing, a good deep clean is a fantastic way to freshen up. Also, who has the time to clean as much in the summer? There’s always something going on, so for now, do a deep clean so that until it gets cooler, you stick with quick cleans to keep your place squeaky clean.

This is the time to vacuum and mop under your rugs and couch, behind your appliances, and doing chores you’ve been putting off (such as the dreaded task of cleaning grout). You’ll feel like a new person!

Switch out seasons

Time to switch out that wardrobe! Put your chunky sweaters and joggers to the back of the closet and bring out your lighter tops and pants. Put away those parkas and boots and bring out your spring jacket and rain boots. This is a simple, slightly annoying (well for me, at least), but great way to get you ready for spring!

You can also put away any winter home decor you have (cranberry scented candles, thick blankets and pillows on your couch) and bring out things for spring: lighter scented candles (perhaps fruit or floral scented), lightweight blankets, and delicate decor.

Start a new hobby or get back to a new interest

Unless you’re a winter spot person, chances are you’ve been getting movement in during the winter by going to the gym, hitting up your personal treadmill or elliptical, or simply getting less movement, period. Now’s the time to get back into long walks, hikes, or any outdoor sport you enjoy! Gardening is a great outdoor hobby that gets you moving as well.

For indoor hobbies, you can still switch it up to match spring: change out your winter-themed puzzles for floral puzzles, start drinking juice and sparkling water instead of hot chocolate and tea, or if you’re artsy, start crafting things that are pastel in colour or focus on flower patterns (think crocheting, knitting, painting, embroidering). Research some books that take place in spring. There’s always a way to switch things up!

Pastels pastels pastels

Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking. Some may say the same for pastels, but let’s face it: no season works as well with these light colours. Maybe it’s due to the fact that Easter takes place in spring, when chocolate and eggs are all different light hues, or the fact that it’s officially flower season. Either way, paint your nails a pastel colour, invest in a few pastel coloured pieces, and play with your makeup. When it comes to pastels, the key is to think soft: baby pink, baby purple, baby blue, and muted yellows and mint greens.

I hope if you weren’t feeling excited about the upcoming season change (is it possible I’m the only one??) this list will make you feel inspired to look on the bright (or pastel – have I said pastel enough?) side. Now I think I’ll take my own advice and buy a bouquet of baby blue snapdragons.

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